SSC Combined Graduate Level Exam (SSC CGL)
Firstly SSC is know about full form. Because many a times this question has been tried. Full name of SSC is staff selection commission and staff selection commission in Hindi known as. Whose founded
Quite a lucky you are.
Staff Selection Commission SSC
Works under the central government and recruits employees of group b and c for the posts of various ministries and departments of government of India. It has headquarters in new Delhi.
SSC is a very popular exam because it has all sorts of tests. Lakhwas forms are filled every year for SSC .
Let us know for your information that SSC takes a variety of exams, and after passing the exams, it gives us the opportunity to get a variety of posts. So let 's know what these exams and posts look like.
SSC Combined Graduate Level Exam (SSC CGL)
The exams, as the name suggests, can provide students who have completed their graduation. These exams are taken up in four stages.
Because not everyone wants to get government job in their life, but not everyone gets a government job is the biggest reason why they don't have enough information. There are many people who do not know more fully about SSC and the biggest disadvantage is that the questions associated with SSC will be reached in the exam.
Because, as you all know, how difficult it is to get government jobs today, because unemployment is increasing on one side and there is competition in government jobs. We must therefore be well informed about the field in which we wish to pursue our career.
Today, we are about to give you full information about SSC. If you have questions about what a SSC full form is and how to prepare for SSC, be sure to answer all the questions that come into your mind after reading this post.
SSC:- Staff Selection Commission
NTPC:- National Thermal Power Corporation Limited
CTET:-Central Teacher Eligibility Test
RRB:-Railway Recruitment Board
1. The World AIDS Day is celebrated on
Ans:-December 1
2. The World Population Day is observed on
Ans:-July 11
3. In which Technologyis cryogenic engines are used
Ans:-rocket technology
4. During photo-synthesis electric energy is converted into
Ans:-Heat energy
5. The distance between the two points in space is called
Ans:- volume
6. Doctor determines ....... by the pulse
Ans:-heart beat
7. When the velocity of a moving object is doubled, its kinetic energy
Ans:-becomes four times
8. Where should an object be kept so that we can get real and inverted image of same size
Ans:-Twice the length of the focus
9. When we sit or sleep on a rubber mattress, its shape is deformed. It is an example of
Ans:-potential energy
10. Which type of lens is used in a camera?
11. Which is used to measure height?
12. The ratio of flux density and capacity of magnetic field in a medium is represented by
13. Sound waves are ......
14. In force-current analogy, capacitance is analogous to
15. Which locomotive has the highest operational availability?
16. For the same cylinder dimensions and speed, which engine will produce least power?
Ans:-Petrol engine
17. Maintenance requirements are least in case of
Ans:-electric locomotives
18. Electrification of railway track in India was done for the first time in
19. The founder of modern statistics is -
Ans:-Karl Pearson
20. Elephant Mountain are also called as –
Ans:-Anamalai hills
21. The ratio of fluse density and capacity of magnetic field in a medium is represented by
22. Sound waves are ......
23. The ratio of mass of proton to that of electron is nearly equal to
24. The acid used in automobile battery is
25. The melting point of plastic is
26. Siachen one of the world’s longest mountain glaciers, is located which mountain range?
27. Cooking gas is a mixture of
Ans:-Methane and ethylene
28. The type of welding used for attaching nuts and bolts with the sheets is
Ans:-projection welding
29. Heavy water implies
30. In a dc machine, the laminated parts are armature and
Ans:-pole shoe
31. Absolute pressure of air at the outlet of a compressor is known as
Ans:-discharge pressure
32. The turbine blades are
33. In S.H.M acceleration is proportional to
34. Brine means -
Ans:-Solution of sodium chloride in water
35. An obstacle which obstructs chaining but not
ranging may be
Ans:-A lake
36. The phenomenon of misalignment of rails due to temperature change is known as
37. The railway station at which a track line meets a main line is called
Ans:-junction station
38. Hammer blow in locomotives cause
Ans:-Tendency to lift wheels from rails
39. Which States will soon have its first Civil
Airports ?
40. The dryness fraction of steam within a turbine is not allowed to fall below
41. The first Indian Railway line was opened in 1853 from
Ans:-Bombay to Thane
42. Maintenance requirements are least in case of
Ans:-Electric locomotives
43. In 2003, the Indian railway completed
Ans:-150 years
44. Where is the Rail Coach Factory located
45. Jayanthi Janatha Express run between
Ans:-Kanyakumari - Mumbai
46. Island express runs between
Ans:-Kanyakumari - Bangalore
47. The acceleration rate of trains on suburban service is
Ans:-0.4 to 6.5 km/hr
48. Vanadium steel is normally used in the manufacture of
Ans:-Axles and Springs
49. Jim-crow is used to
Ans:-Sound the sleeper for packing
50. The point up to which the new railway track laid at any time is
Ans:-Rail head
51. Which train has the longest run time
Ans:-Himasagar Express
52. When was the first Railway line opened in India
53. Which is related to I.C. engine only
54. Rail sleepers providing the best rigidity of track is
55. The state in which the highest Railway Bridge is at
Ans:- Jammu & Kashmir
56. Give the designation of the highest officer on the Southern Railway
Ans:-General Manager
57. The breadth of the Indian Railways broad gauge is
58. Which is the longest Railway platform in India
59. Railway was first introduced in India by which Viceroy
Ans:-Lord Dalhousie
60. Longest railway tunnel kharbude tunnel on konkan railway, connecting
Ans:-Mumbai with Goa
61. Railway section with maximum tunnels and bridges
Ans:-Kalka - simla route
62. A substance used as a fire-extinguisher under the trade name of Pyrene is
Ans:-Carbon tetrachloride
63. On the Kelvin scale , the melting point of ice is
Ans:-273 K
65. The height above sea level is measured with the instrument
66. Longest day is
67. The non-metal which has shining appearance is.....
68. Monazite is an ore of .....
70. Which compounds are responsible for acid rain
71. Marsh gas is .....
73. One horsepower is equal to ....
Ans:-746 watt
74. Cinabar is the ore of ....
75. Green Vitroil is ......
Ans:-Ferrous Sulphate
76. In which vegetable phosphorous is found?
77. Which amongst the following is a green house gas?
Ans:-Carbon dioxide
78. Which is the most permanent element?