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World Quiz Questions and Answers in English

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World Quiz Questions and Answers in English

2. Who is propounded of Yoga?



3. Which Gharana Pt Bhimsen Joshi belong to?

Ans:-Kirana Gharana


4. The two states where more than 1/4 of Urban Population of India resides?

Ans:-Maharastra & UP


5. Which Line passes thru Kennya and Brazil together?



9. Every year on Kartik Purnima, which town hosts India's biggest camel fair ?

Ans:-Pushkar (Rajasthan)


12. What was invented by Orville and Wilbur Wright, popularly known as Wright brothers, in 1903 ?



14. Which city hosted the first Asian Games I 1951?

Ans:-New Delhi (India)


15. Ukai Dam, located near Surat in Gujarat, is built across which river ?



16. Which are major constituents of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) ?

Ans:-Butane and Propane



18. To have legal rights for self-employed women like industrial workers, which lady activist founded Self-Employed Women's Association (SEWA) ?

Ans:-Ela Bhatt

 World Quiz Questions and Answers in English

25. Where did the All India Muslim League adopt the Pakistan resolution, the demand for separate sovereign state for Muslims, on 23 March 1940 ?



28. Which Greek goddess of victory is depicted on the Olympic medals ?



31. What is the amount of iron in Earth (percentage in total mass)?



32. Phobes and Deimos are two satellites of which planet?



35. Which planet is called Morning star .. Which is Evening star??



36. What is Photosphere?

Ans:-Innermost layer of Earth


37. Which are the planets who have no satellites?

Ans:-Venus and Mercury


38. What is average density of Earth?

Ans:-5515 Kg per cubic meter


40. Who was the first to measure the circumference of earth?



45. What will be the time at Greenwich when it is 2.00 PM in Kolkata?

Ans:-8.06 AM


46. Which elements are found mostly in Lithosphere?

Ans:-Silicon and aluminum


47. When molten magna cools and solidifies what kind of Rocks are formed?

Ans:-Igneous Rocks


48. What are the types of Igneous Rocks?

Ans:-Plutonic & Volcanic


50. What is " Stellar Atmosphere"?

Ans:-Outer atmosphere of stars


51. What is the thickness of "Earth's crust" ?

Ans:-40 kms

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53. There is a narrow zone where Lithosphere, Hydrosphere and Atmosphere come in contact . What is it called?



54. It is duty of the Union Government to protect the states against external aggression and internal disturbance. Which article says this?

Ans:-Article 355


56. Which prize was won by " Arvind Adiga" in 2008?

Ans:-Booker Prize


58. When milk is changed to curd, which acid gets formed?

Ans:-Lactic Acid


59. Guru Shikhar Peak is at Mount Abu in Rajasthan. What is height?

Ans:-1727 meters


60. Archaeopteryx" is a connecting link between two major classes of animals. What are these classes?

Ans:-Reptilia & Aves


61. Port Pradeep" is located in which state?



62. Mangla Bhagyam" , " Shakti" & "Aishwarya" what are these ?

Ans:-Oil fields discovered recently in Rajasthan


63. Which compound in main constituent of " Pearl"?

Ans:-Calcium Carbonate


64. " Finger Lake Region " is in which country??



66. Atlas Mountains " are in which continent?



67. What happens to the boiling point & freezing point of water when salt is added to it?

Ans:-Boiling Point Increased and Freezing Point Decreased


68. There is an art style in India which is a mix of Indian and Greek style. What is the name given to it?

Ans:-Gandhar Style


69. A pigment of the retina that is responsible for both the formation of the photoreceptor cells and the first events in the perception of light.

Ans:-Rhodopsin or Visual Purple


70. The first ever DNA bank of Asia has come up with which city?



71. Bureau of Investment Promotion (BIP), is a nodal agency that promotes investment in which state in India?



73. Which country has world's youngest " King" ?



74. What is the common name of Psyllium Husk or Planto Ovata??



75. Among Forest , Grassland, Desert and Marine, which ecosystem is most stable?



76. Increase in concentration of a substance, such as the pesticide DDT, that occurs in a food chain. What is the name of this phenomena?



78. In 2002, which committee was set up by the government to suggest measures for rationalizing direct and indirect taxes ?

Ans:-Vijay Kelkar Committee


79. Between 1192 AD to 1857 AD, who was the only Hindu ruler to ascend the throne of Delhi ?

Ans:-Hemu Vikramaditya


82. Heat travels from one place to another by which methods ?

Ans:-conduction, convection and radiation


83. The tenth and last Sikh Guru Gobind Singh was born at Patna in Bihar. Where did he die ?

Ans:-Nanded (Maharashtra)

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84. Pyongyang is the capital city of which Asian country ?

Ans:-North Korea


86. What Indian name has been given to locally assembled T-90S Main Battle Tanks (MBT), procured from Russia in 'knocked down / semi knocked down' form for final assembly in India ?



87. Committee for banning ragging in educational institutes has been formed . Who is the chairman of this committee?

Ans:-R.K. Raghvan


88. Recently who has has taken over the charge of ICAI from 7th feb 2009.?

Ans:-Uttam Aggarwal


89. Who is Indian Army Chief?

Ans:-Deepak Kapoor


90. Who is CEO Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd?

Ans:-S K Jain


91. Who is the CEO of " Areva" ?

Ans:-Anne Lauvergeon


93. Recently Obama approaced CNN's chief medical correspondent to be country's next surgeon

general. Who is he?

Ans:-Sanjay Gupta


94. What Percentage of surplus funds which has been allowed by the govt to the navratnas and mini narvratnas to invest in equity ?



95. Recently , Which state has decided to give Rs.200 to each AIDS patient undergoing Anti-retrovial therapy in state?97. Approximately how many students are getting benefits of Mid Day Meal scheme?

Ans:-15 crore


98. Recently who received the Kishore Kumar Kala Ratna Award instituted by Kishore Kumar Memorial Club?

Ans:-Geeta Chandran


99. As per 2001 census state having highest urban population is ?



100. What was the name of the operation which was launched by israel on Dec 27th 2008 saying it wanted to stop Hamas Rocket attack on South Israel?

Ans:-Operation Cast Lead


101. Who is the leader of Ghana ?

Ans:-John Atta – Mills


102. India and Pakistan on Jan 1 2009 exchanged their list of nuclear installations through their

diplomatic mission . This was under which agreement?

Ans:-Under the 1988 agreement on prohibition of attacks against nuclear installation and facility


103. With which country India signed an agreement on 3 jan 2009 to improve the recruitment process of workers?



104. Governor Rod Blagojevich who was impeached on Jan 30 was of which state ?



107. Recently, state which set a new record in country's power sector of signing 3 MOU on a single day ?



109. Who took over as new chair man of Air port authority of India?

Ans:-VP Agarwal


111. " Towards Social Development" who has written this book?

Ans:-KS Bhatt


112. Who has written the book " The Enduring Bahu" ?

Ans:-KC Sivaramakrishnan


114. The Union Territory of Puducherry (old name - Pondicherry) falls under the jurisdiction of which High Court ?

Ans:-Madras High Court


116. Land of Thunderbolt' is the nickname of which Asian country ?



118. Which Ocean's greatest depth is in the Puerto Rico Trench ?

Ans:-Atlantic Ocean


120. Which Indian spiritual guru introduced Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique ?

Ans:-Mahesh Yogi


121. Goal' is the autobiography of which Indian sportsman ?

Ans:-Dhyan Chand


122. Who was the first US president to visit India in December 1959 ?

Ans:-Dwight Eisenhower







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