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UPSC Prelims Question Answers in English

UPSC Prelims Question Paper with Answers | UPSC Exam Question Answer

upsc prelims question answers in English

UPSC Prelims Question Answers in English

70% of the products from the maggi - kitkat manufacturing company are injurious to health: 
Reports.An internal report by the world's largest packaged food and beverage company nestle has shown that around 70% of its food products and drinks are detrimental to health. 
Reports have also revealed how much the company can renew, and some of its products will be detrimental to the health system.

Know why edible oil prices are touching common in India?
Duce month edible oil prices recourding rs.
300 in India
Have reached per liter. There are groundnut, mustard, vegetation,

Include soy, sunflower, palm oil etc. Let's know the reason behind this in this article.

Covid-19. Know two different cinematic.What happens when the kovid-19 vaccine is introduced?

Covid-19 vaccinematic: doc v.k. Paul, says that if a separate vaccine takes place in the second dose of covid-19, it does not matter. However, related studies show that people who have been given two separate vaccines experience certain side effects.

Social media ban in India: what will be off in India from tomorrow on facebook, instagram and twitter?

Government of India had issued guidelines to regulate online content, the three months deadline for compliance is now over.

Know covid-19 vaccination before and after what to do and what not to do?

Covid-19 vaccination is extremely important in dealing with epidemics. In this link, the government of India has issued certain guidelines regarding the ongoing immunization drive all over the country. 

I a this Know in the article about the provisions relating to covid -19 immunization.

2027 India can be the most populated country, know how?
According to the world popular projects 
2019, issued by the United Nations, India will become the largest populated country in the world by 2027

However, according to a recent research by Chinese experts, India will soon become one of the largest populated countries in the world before 2027 forecasts.

Plasma therapy: what is plasma therapy and in the plasma plasma. 

How efficient is it to recover from covid -19? Let's know what plasma therapy is, who can donate plasma and how effective it is to recover from covid-19.

List of cabinet ministers of India 
2021 The narendra modi cabinet 2.0 consists of 22 cabinet ministers, 9 ministers of state (independent charge) and 29 ministers of state.

List of all the prime ministers of India (
India has seen 15 prime ministers from 
1947 to 2020.

Know what is helicopter (smellicopter) and why is it used in the body part of an insect?

Helicopter is a tool used to identify smell. These are autonomous drones that of a moth antenna to navigate by smell Of USES.

The government of India invites a foreign leader every year to celebrate the republic day parade. Governor general of Pakistan malik ghulam muhammad was the first person who created the rajpath,

Had attended the republic day parade in Delhi as chief guest. Let us know through this article all the chief guests attending the republic day parade in India.

Of Christ is from the date after birth while BC of Means before the birth of Jesus. The full form of AD is anno domini, while the full form of BC is before Christ. 

Where you type a text, it means the year of the Christian birth. Let 's study the difference between AD and BC through this article.

Indian railways (Indian railways) had stopped manufacturing icf caches in 
2018 to improve rail travel safety standards and railways now only make lhub cocaine.

Indian railways (Indian railways) had stopped manufacturing icf caches in 
2018 to improve rail travel safety standards and railways now only make lhub cocaine.

What is the controversy between India and Pakistan about 'basmati rice'?
A new war with basmati rice has been fought between nuclear armed neighbouring India and Pakistan. 

India is a product of basmati rice at its disposal. Tag applied for. c After obtaining the tags, India will have all the right to this variety of rice.

What is the difference between rapid transit (metro) and light rail (metrolite)?

Let us know the difference between rapid transit (metro) and light rail (metrolite) in this article.

Icf (integral coach factory) and the red seemed to be called linke hofman busch. Let us both the coach in this article. Know the difference between them.

What is postal ballot or postal ballot letter and who USES it?
A few people like a soldier in the elections, those posted in the election Employees, 

employed government officers outside the country and People in the privacy department cannot vote in the elections, 

so the election commission amended the election rules, 1961 rule 23 to allow une people to vote with the help of postal ballot or postal ballot in the elections.

History of epidemics in India since the 
1900s Am presently in India Covid-19 or coronovirus is prone to epidemic attacks but isn't that such as the first time in India That has happened. 

In fact, the history of epidemics in India dates back tothe 1900s. Let 's take a look at the history of all of them in this article.

What is sovereign gold bond scheme and what are its advantages Sovereign gold bond scheme is the scheme to invest in gold Which is issued by the reserve bank of India on behalf of the government of India. 

The main industry of this scheme is gold.
Physical demand is curtail so as to make India golds
In order to reduce imports,

How does taste show by tongue?Man has a cold, warm, sweet, bad, earthy one.

And five to experience shrill sound etc Sense organs are the tongue, eyes, nose, ears, and skin. Come to this Know in the article how the tongue tastes?

What are the features of Janice rafale plane?

Features of rafale fighter jaitley :-

The company named France's desktop aviation among gulf relationships has sent 5 rafale jet aircraft to India while 5
Others are not come to India right now because for him Indian
Pilots being trained. 

Rafale is able to fly from 36 thousand feet to 50 thousand feet high. And the speed at dusk is 2222 km per hour.

You know why India needed a raffle plane.

Rafale speedirafale costc: the desktop aviation of France
5 rafale jet aircraft made by the company were commissioned in India on 
29-08-2017 in the evening of On July ambala has reached where they are indian Got admitted to the air force. 

In eus article we are telling you. That why rafale planes are essential to the, Indian air force?

Rafael, and f-16 which fighter aircraft will fit better?

The us already assigned f-16 fighter aircraft to Pakistan. Now India has also got five raffles fighters from France. Now people want to know which fighter aircraft is better at rafael, and f-16? Let 's compare the two.

Who in the raffles of India and changrader of China j-20? Is sa fighter plane better?

Rafale v s j-20 :- the French has been able to provide five such rafale jets to India by the Sending the aircraft has as well begun the debate that finally the best fighter near which country in Asia mandip Have planes? 

In this article we will compare raffles in India and chengdu j-20 fighter aircraft next to China.

New education policy -
2020: the major points at a glance
The new education policy 
2020 in India has got the cabinet approval on 29 July 2020

Education in the fifth grade will now be in the mother tongue. The duis policy will cover up to 6% of the GDP.


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