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SSC gk questions answers

SSC general knowledge

Indian Railway Questions

1.How many Finance Commissioners are there in the Railway Board?

A.Two                                 C.Five

B.One                                  D.Eight


2.Number of Executive Members in the Railway Board is

A.Nine                         B.Three

C.Fore                          D.Five


3.When was the Railway Board established?


4.When was the Central Railway established?

A.6th Dec 1985                    B. 1958

C.5th Nov 1951                    D.4th Nov 1951

Ans:-5th Nov 1951

5.When was the Indian Railway Act passed?

A. 1890                                    B.1989

C.1984                                     D.1982


6.Rajasthan is under which of the following railway zones?

A.Jammutavi                         B.Gorakhpur

C.Western region                   D.Calcutta

Ans:-Western region

7.The largest national enterprise of India is ?

A. Indian Railway                       B.Secundrabad

C.Assam Railway                       D.Perambur Railway

Ans:- Indian Railwau

9.Where is Railway Museum situated?

A.New Delhi                   B.Assam

C.Pune                             D.West Bengal

Ans:-New Delhi

11.Where is the wheel and axle plant located?

A.Pune                               B.Uttar Prodash

C.Bangalore                       D.Kerala

Ans:- Bangalore

12.In which institution the training of electric work is being given?

A.indian Institute                            C. Bangal  Electrical Engineering

B. Railways Institute Of                 D.Indian Railways Institute of Electrical Engineering

Ans:-Indian Railways Institute of Electrical Engineering

13.Who invented the railway engine?

A.Electric                      B.George Stephenson

C.Electric locomotives  D.Altimeter

Ans:-George Stephenson

14.Where is the Indian Railways Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Inst situated?

C. Bangalore                 D.Arunachal


15.Metro Railway is functioning in which Indian States?

A.West Bengal                   B.Arunachal

C.Kashmir                         D. Himasagar

Ans:-West Bengal

16.The zone with the minimum length ?

Ans:-North-Eastern Frontier Railway 

17.What is the position of the Indian Railway under the zonal system ?

Ans:- 2

18.Where is the extreme north of India a railway station ?

A.colkata                         D. Shilong

BGuwhati                        C.New Delhi

Ans:- Jammutavi

19.How many institutions do give suggestions for ?

A.5                        B.9

C.2                           H.5


20..Diesel Locomotive Works is situated at ?

A.Wave length                    B.Varanasi

C.Kharagpur                       D.Longitudinal


21.The passenger bogies of the Indian Railways are manufactured at which place?

A.Perambur                          B.Kolkata

C.Jammu & Kashmir           D.Westbangal

Ans:- Perambur

22.In city, the first sub-way train was started?

A. Guwhati                  B. Maharastra

C.Pune                        D. Kolkata


23.How much distance was traveled by first train of India?

A.39 km                           C.34 km

B.36 km                           D.45 km

Ans:-34 km

24.In which year Research, Design and Standard organization was established?

A.1957                           B.1958

C.1879                           D.1969


25.We all know what bulls and bears do. What would sheep do in the stock market?

A.Western region                  B.Varanasi

C.Centralized                        D.Follow The Leader

Ans:-Follow The Leader

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