Essay on Covid-19 in English for Class 12 | Covid Essay Examples

essay on covid-19 in english for class 12
Essay on Covid-19 in English for Class 12

On to the corinavirus in EnglishThe essay

Prologue: The world health organization (who) has declared the epidemic of the corona virus. 

Corona virus is very potent but effective virus. The corona virus is 1000 times smaller than human hair, but the corona infection is rapidly spreading across the world.

* What is the corona virus?

Corona virus (co-win) refers to a family of viruses that can cause infections ranging from cold to difficulty breathing. This virus has never been see before. The virus infection began in China's wuhan in December. 

According to him, fever, cough, shortness of breath are the symptoms. Until now, there has been no vaccine to prevent the spread of this virus.covid-19 essay in english for students

The infection can cause problems like fever, cold, difficulty breathing, runny nose and sore throat. It is the.The virus spreads from one person to another. 

Therefore, utmost care is taken. This virus was first in December in China to get caught. It is likely to reach other countries.

Similar to the corona virus coughing and Sneezes spread through drops of fallen water. The corona virus is no longer spreading fast in China as it is spreading to other countries of the world. 

This virus known as Covid-19 has already spread to more than 80 countries.Precautions need to be taken in view of the increased risk of corona infection to prevent it from spreading.

** What are the symptoms of this disease?

Thyroid -19 / corona virus is known to have fever as before. This is followed by a dry cough and then a week later it becomes difficult to breathe.

These symptoms don't always mean that you have an infection with the corona virus. 

In severe cases of the corona virus, breathe pneumonia, a high level of discomfort, kidney failure, and even death. 

In the case of elderly or others who already have asthma, diabetes, or heart disease, the danger can be serious. Viruses in cold and flu also have acii symptoms.

* when a corona virus gets infected?

There is no cure for the corona virus at this time, but it can provide medicines with reduced disease symptoms.

Keep you aloof from others until you heal.Vaccine for treatment of corona viruses is under progress.

By the end of this year human beings will be tried.Some hospitals are also testing antiviral medicine.

* What are the measures to prevent it?

The health ministry has issued guidelines to avoid the corona virus.They should wash their hands with soap.Alcohol based hand rub can also be used.

When you hold and hold your nose and mouth with a handkerchief or tissue paper.

Keep away from people with cold and flu symptoms.Avoid egg and meat.Avoid contact with wild animals.

* who and how to wear masks?

If you're healthy, you don't need a mask.If you are caring for a person infected with a corona virus, you should.The mask will have to be worn.

People who have trouble with fever, cough or bad breath should wear masks and go to your doctor immediately.

* How to wear Masks:

Do not touch the mask.If you have an attack, you should wash your hands immediately.

The mask should be worn to cover the part of your nose, mouth, and beard.While taking off the mask, 

you should still remove the elastic or tape from the mask, not touch it.Everyday the mask should be changed.

* Read less, how to make the risk of corona

wherewithal Similar types of corona viruses spread through droplets that have fallen through coughs and sneezes.

Keep you aloof from others until you heal.Vaccine for treatment of corona viruses is under progress.By the end of this year human beings will be tried.Some hospitals are also testing antiviral medicine.

** what are the measures to prevent it?

Essay on Covid-19 in English for Class 12

The health ministry has issued guidelines to avoid the corona virus.They should wash their hands with soap.Alcohol based hand rub can also be used.

If you have been in contact with an infected area or have been in contact with an infected person, you may be advised to be alone. So stay at home.

Epilogue: saars almost 18 years ago.The virus posed a similar threat. More than 800 people were killed in the entire world because of saars in 2003

In the whole world Hundreds of people had become infected with the disease. This had its effect on economic activities also. 

There is no evidence of corona virus that could be transmitted through parcels, letters or food. Viruses like the corona virus cannot survive for too long outside the body.

There was a general feeling of uneasiness about the corona virus. 

There's been a shortage of masks and sanitizers in medical stores,Because people are running fast enough to buy these.