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General Knowledge Questions with Answers in English

Common General knowledge Questions and Answers for Students 

general knowledge questions with answers in English

General Knowledge Questions with Answers in English

1. "Gita Rahasya " has been written by who?

Ans:-Bal Gangadhar Tilak

2. Who has written " Glimpses of World History" .Who has written this?

Ans:-Jawahar Lal Nehru

3. Who has written"Godan" ?

Ans-Munshi Premchand

4. Who has written"Hindu View of Life" ? ]

Ans-Dr. Radhkrishnan

5. "India Divided" was written by whom?

Ans:-Dr. Rajendra Prasad

6. Who has written Kumarsambhava?


7. Who has written " Life Divine" ?

Ans-Aurobindo Ghosh

8. Who has written " My Truth" ?

Ans-Indira Gandhi

9. Who has written "Oliver Twist" ?

Ans-Charles Dickens

10. Who has written " Ratnavali" ?


11. Who interpreted Honeybee's languages to communicate?

Ans-Karl Von Frish


12. Where is located the National Research Centre for Women in Agriculture?



13. Who is the quickest bowler to take 700 wickets in test?

Ans:-Muttiah Muralidharan



15. The only bowler in the history of Test Cricket to claim Hat-Trick in the first over of a match?

Ans-Irfan Pathan


16. The First Indian Women to get an Olympic Medal ?

Ans:-Karnam Malleshwari


17. Trinidad & Tobago got independence in 1992. From which country?



18. ISO is International Organization for Standardization. Where are the headquarters?



19. Which one is India's southernmost PORT?



20. United Arab Emirates is a federation of Emirates. How many Emirates?



21. State in India, where IIT & IIM both are present?

Ans:-Uttar Pradesh, IIT Kanpur & IIM Lucknow


22. English Legal Charter which led to development of Constitutional Law is…?

Ans:-Magna Carta


24. Who has written "My Music My Love"?

Ans:-Pandit Ravi Shankar


25. Largest number of Districts in which Indian State?

Ans:-Uttar Pradesh


26. As per Hindu Mythology who is considered as Physician of Gods?



27. What is north to south extension of India?



28. In which state Bodo Language is spoken?


gk questions with answers in english

29. Where is National Institute of Oceanography?



30. There is a small village in Karnataka , where people speak Sanskrit. What is the name of the village?



31. Where are the headquarters of UNESCO?



32. "The New Courier" is a publication, published by ?



33. Which amendment of constitution of India lowered the age of voting from 21 years to 18 years?

Ans:-61st amendment


36. Rajtarangini" is a work by Kalhan. What he has described in it?

Ans:-History of Kashmir



38. What was the Commander of Army called in Akbar's Reign?

Ans:-Meer Bakhshi


39. Moghul Architecture was on its zenith , during reign of which emperor?



40. "Gandhar Style" was developed in which reign?




42. Shershah Suri got fame for what kind of Infrastructure Development?

Ans:-Construction of Roads


43. Prithvi Raj Chauhan was defeated by Mohammed of Ghauri in which battle?

Ans:-Tarain II


44. Harshavardhana used to donate all his possessions at which place?

Ans:-Prayag, after Every four years


45. The partition of Bengal was taken back in which year?



46. Sabarmati Ashram was established in which year?



47. Which English official was murdered at Lahore to set score of death of Lala Lajpat Ray ?




51. In which state is Nanda Devi Biosphere?



52. Baba Budan Hills are in which state?



55. How many bits are in a bite?



57. Typhoid affects which part of the human body most?



58. When we do physical work, what stores in our muscles to make us feel tired?

Ans:-Lactic Acid


59. Messenger RNA carried what kind of message?

Ans:-Protein Codes


60. IAS exam commenced in India for the first time in which year?



61. Who was the first Muslim revolutionary hanged for India's Independence?

Ans:- Ashfaque-Ulla-Khan


62. Who made the suggestion first to boycott British Goods?

Ans:-Bal Gangadhar Tilak


65. Rowlett Act was passed in which year?



66. Non cooperation movement was launched in which




67. On what date quit India Movement began?

Ans:-August 9, 1942


68. In which year Queen Victoria declared Indian Administration taken over by British Crown?



69. Who was the viceroy when Partition of Bengal taken back?

Ans:-Lord Hardinge


70. In the Indus valley culture , which one was the Port City?



71. "Bhabru" is related to which King?

Ans:-Ashoka, Bhabru Edict


72. Whose Samadhi is built in "Nandel"?

Ans:-Guru Govind Singh


73. What is "Mossad" ?

Ans:-Israel Intelligence Agency


74. "Modvat" is related to which duty?

Ans:- Excise


75. Whose sign is beared by Ru.1 Note?

Ans:-Secretary, Ministry of Finance


76. Vladivostok and Lenin Grad are the terminal stations of which railway line?

Ans:-Trans Siberian


77. Where is Saddle Peak?

Ans:- Andaman


78. Which element is found in abundant in Red Blood Cells?



79. Pascal is a unit of measuring?

Ans:- Pressure


80. "Munda" is a primitive tribe. Where is found?



81. What does "Chhotanagpur" mean?

Ans:- Tribal areas of Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, and West Bengal states


82. Which organ produces "Bile" ?



83. "Cyber knife" is related to which disease?



84. What is "Lucy" ?

Ans:-Pre-human (Australopithecus)


85. The highest precise clocks based upon light are called?

Ans:-Optical Clocks


86. When did planned economic development started in India?

Ans:-1951 with inception of first five year plan


87. Who had written the book " Planned Economy for India"?

Ans:-Sir M. Vishveshvaraiya


88. When national planning committee was constituted in India? By whom?

Ans:-1938, Jawaharlal Nehru

gk questions for class 6 to 8 with answers in English

89. When the "Bombay Plan" was presented?



90. Who had given the " Gandhian Plan"?

Ans:-Sriman Narayan


91. Who had given the "sarvodaya plan"?

Ans:-Jaiprakash Narayana in 1950


92. When was the planning commission in India constituted by Govt. of India?

Ans:-15March, 1950


93. Who was the first Chairman of Planning Commission in India?

Ans:-Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru


94. On what date first five year plan commenced?

Ans:-1st April 1951


95. When was the "national Development Council " constituted?

Ans:-6th August 1952


96. Which Non-statutory body was constituted to facilitate cooperation between states and planning


Ans:-National Development Council


97. When was the first "Industrial Development Policy " declared?

Ans:-April 6, 1948


98. When was RBI established?

Ans:-1935 with a capital of 5 crore rupees


99. On what date RBI was nationalized?

Ans:-January 1, 1949


100. Which was the first public sector unit?

Ans:-Vishveshwariya Iron & Steel Works Bhadravati



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