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100 Easy General Knowledge Questions and Answers

General Knowledge Questions in English | GK Questions for Class 1 to 4

general knowledge questions
100 Easy General Knowledge Questions and Answers

1.How many bones are present in human body?

Ans:- 206

2. Which part controls "reflex Actions" ?

Ans:-Spinal Cord

3.Calciferol is the name of which vitamin?

Ans:-Vitamin D

4. What Tocoferol is normally called?

Ans:-Vitamin E

5. What is watergate?

Ans:- A scandal

6. What is the name of the American Bullion Depository?

Ans:- Fort Knox

7. What is the capital of Morocco?


8. "Death Valley " is located in which part of USA?


gk questions for class 1 to 4

9. Galileo Satellites are 4 moons of which planet?


10. What is old Faithful?

Ans:-A Geyser in USA

11. Which type of coal has 90 % carbon and no smoke?



12What is "willy willy" ?

Ans:-Tropical Revolving Storm in North west Australian Waters

14. What is the "land of White Elephant"?


15. What is a "cirque"?

Ans:-A bowl shaped depression caused by glacial erosion

17. The tail of a comet is always pointing away /towards Sun?


18. When a man crosses the International Date Line from east to west, one day is added or reduced?

Ans:-To west added, to east subtracted

19. How many million kilometers in a light year?

Ans:-9.5 million years

20. Where "Maginot Line" was created after WWII?

Ans:-French Border with Germany & Italy

22. Among Venus, Earth, Mars & Saturn, which planet will take maximum time to revolve around Sun?



23. The planet nearest to Sun is ?


33. A youth ful river shall give rise to which kind of valley ?

Ans:-V shapped

34. A warm surface ocean current from Gulf of Mexico towards Atlantic is called?

Ans:-Gulf Stream

35. In China how much of world's population lives (in percentage)

Ans:- 25%

36. Recently Cabinet has approved the bill to be placed in parliament to raise FDI in Insurance from 26 % to …….%?


37. As per Forbes Magazine, who is richest Indian?

Ans:-Mukesh Ambani

38. At what rate (in percentage) RBI has placed the GDP growth during first quarter of 2008.09?


general knowledge questions and answers

39. How much (in percentage) teledensity in India as per TRAI was at the end of 2008



40. The' Currency Futures" started first at which exchange?


41. What status was given to Coal India Limited recently?


42. What is PFRDA?

Ans:-Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority

43. NASSCOM has recently estimated that India animation industry will touch 5600 crore rupees by year……?

Ans:- 2012

44. ASEM is Asia Europe Meeting Summit. Recently where it's seventh summit was held?

Ans:- Beijing

46. What is the new SLR (Statutory Liquidity Ratio) of RBI?

Ans:- SLR (Statutory Liquidity Ratio)=24%

47. On what date World Forestry Day is celebrated?

Ans:-March 21

48. Who was Prabhakaran?

Ans:-LTTE Chief

49. Subhash Chandra Bose "netaji" was given Bharat Ratna in which year?


50. Fort william was built in the memory of which British King?

Ans:-William III

52. Who has written "Bharat Dardasha"?



54. How much distance is covered in marathon race (Roughly in Miles)?

Ans:- 26 miles

56. What is the national Sports of USA?

Ans:-Base Ball


57. Vyapaar Samhita was a business law , introduced by a famous Ancient Indian King. What was his name?

Ans:- Ashoka the Great

58. What is the name of Neem in Botanical terms?

Ans:-Azadirachta Indica

59. Millet (Bajra) is a Kharif or Rabi Crop?


60. What the winter crops or spring harvest are called in India?

Ans:-Rabi Crop

61. At which place records show the most ancient happening of Olympics ?

Ans:-Olympia In Greece

 gk questions for class 1 to 8 with answers

62. How many languages an dialects are spoken in the world?

Ans:-Approx. 9000

63. Which language has richest vocabulary?


64. Which is oldest Indian Language?


65. Which book has been printed in maximum number of languages?


66. Only religious book published in shorthand till now is?



  100 Easy General Knowledge Questions and Answers

67. What is the oldest printed work in the word?

Ans:-The Hirak Sutra , 868 A.D.

68. Which one is the longest novel ever written?

Ans:-Les Hommes de Bonne Volonte

69. Who had written Mahabharata?

Ans:-Ved Vyasa

70. Who has written AnandMath?

Ans:-Bankim Chandra Chatarjee

71. Who has written Apple Cart?

Ans:-George Bernard Shaw

72. Who has written Arthshastra?



 general knowledge quiz for 11-14 year olds

73. Who has written " AutoBiography of an Unknown Indian"?

Ans:-Nirad C. Chaudhaury

74. Who has written the play " Bharat Bharti" ?

Ans:-Maithili Sharan Gupta

75. Who has written "Bisarjan" ?

Ans:-Rabindra Nath Taigore

76. Who has written "Bunch of Old Letters"?

Ans:-Jawahar Lal Nehru

77. Who has written " Das Kapital" ?

Ans:-Kar Marx

78. Who has written " Decent of Man" ?

Ans:-Charles Darwin

79. Who has written Discovery of India?

Ans:-Jawahar lal Nehru

80. Who has written the novel " From here to an eternity" ?

Ans:-James Jones

81. Who has written" The Gardner" ?

Ans:-Rabindra Nath Tagore




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