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General knowledge Questions with Answers in English

Common General knowledge Questions and Answers | G.K Questions in English with Answers 2021

indian general knowledge questions
General knowledge Questions with Answers in English

1. In which Indian City was the first European Factory built by the Portuguese in 1500 AD?

Ans:-Kozhikode (Earlier Calicut)


2. Smriti ki Rekhayen", who is the writer of this memoir?

Ans:- Mahadevi Verma


3. What is the name of the mural painting whose name is based upon a name of a Bihar District?



4. Who was the first Law Minister of India?

Ans:-Dr. BR Ambedkar


5. What is full form of IPO?

Ans:-Initial Public Offer


6. The states of India were reorganized on the basis of Language in which year?



7. "Seed Therapy " is related to which disease?

Ans:Detection of Breast Cancer


8. World's Fourth Fastest Computer is built in India. What is it's name?



9. "Republic" was written by whom?



10. Who is First India woman Grandmaster in Chess?

Ans:-S Vijay Laxmi


gk questions with answers

12. Jatiya Sarkar was related to which state?

Ans:-Bengal, Tamaluk


13. Recently a postage stamp was released by President in the memory of which Army Field Marshal?

Ans:-Field Marshal Manekshaw


14. Vijay Diwas is celebrated on what date every year?

Ans:-December 16


16. Who is ISRO chairman?

Ans:- G. Madhavan Nair


17. Recently first satellite built by ISRO was successfully put into its orbit for a foreign customer fetching a profit of $ 40 Million. What was its name?

Ans:- W2M


18. What is the full form of GSLV?

Ans:- Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle


19. A cyclone caused widespread devastation in Myanmar claiming 100000 lives in 2008. What was its




20. Shaikh Haseena is from which party ?

Ans:-Awami League


21. Who is Bangladesh's father of nation?

Ans:- Shekh Mujib-ur-rehman


22. Rajiv Ratan Awas Yojna is carried out by which state Govt. ?

Ans:- Delhi


23. What is the residence of Governor of Delhi called?

Ans:- Raj Niwas


24. Which state in India has recently taken up the "World's Biggest Greening Project " recently?

Ans:- Kerala


24. Which state has decided to raise separate unit of guards on the lines of NSG to combat terrorist attacks?

Ans:- Maharastra , Force 1


25. Recently a newly won chiefminister has taken "7 resolutions" to make his state "Goden State". Who is that chief minister?

Ans:- Shivraj Singh Chauhan of Madhya Pradesh


26. Keoladeo Bird sanctuary is in which state?



27. Arjun Atwal is related to which sports?

Ans:- Golf


28. C. K. Nayadu Trophy is related to which sports?



29. Women world Cup is proposed to held in which country in 2009?

Ans:- Australia


31. BILT Open" is a tournament in the field of which game?

Ans:- Golf


32. "Michael Phelps" is related to which sports?

Ans:- swimming


33. TUF scheme is related to which industry ?

Ans:- Textiles


34. Recently where in India was held the second summit of BIMSTEC ?

Ans:- New Delhi


35. Which element is used for the x-ray of elementary canal?



36. If a seed germinates while the fruit is still at the plant, then what is this concept called ?

Ans:- Vivipary


37. A bat is a bird . Is it right?

Ans:-No, Bat is a mammal


38. A butterfly shaped gland in the body in front part of neck which regulates growth?

Ans:- Thyroid


39. Why camels adapt in desert?

Ans:-A hump with food as fats


40. A vitamin that acts with enzyme is called ?



41. What is the unit of heredity?

Ans:- Gene


42. What is called a centre for the preservation of dry specimens of plants?

Ans:- Herbarium


43. What is the fibrous connective tissue that joints bones together at joints?

Ans:- Ligament


44. Which blood group is universal donor ?

Ans:-O group


45. Which chromosome among X & Y is imparted to a person by his mother only ?

Ans:- X


46. What is body Mass Index?

Ans:- Ratio of Body Weight divided by square of height in meters


47. Why liver gets damaged because of consumption of alcohol?

Ans:-Excess Fat Storage


48. Beri Beri is caused because of deficiency of which vitamin ?

Ans:-Thiamine ( Vitamin B1)


49. The flower which we look at Sunflower is actually a…………?



50. The minute bodies in the cell called as powerhouse of body?



52. Among carbohydrates, proteins and fats, amino acid is the smallest unit of?



53. A plant which lives on another plant but does not take food from it is called? Entophyte or epiphyte



54. Green house effect is because of which gas?



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